Clinician Registration

Hi All!

Throughout my career, I’ve met some dedicated and incredibly talented people. You know them, too! They are gifted educators who are passionate about music, teaching, and shaping young lives.

THESE are the people we want on our team! As part of my new position at Animado Events, I’m creating a database of professionals who may be interested in serving as clinicians for student groups traveling domestically.

This database will include top-notch conductors and directors, as well as those who may just be starting their clinician’s journey.

It’s a great opportunity to build a resume or gain experience at the podium!

Here’s how it works…

1. Register as (or refer) a potential clinician in the Animado Events database.

2. As directors planning custom events request clinics, we’ll review our list of potential clinicians and identify the best fit for the group.

3. We’ll then reach out to gauge your interest in leading the clinic for the group.

That’s it! It’s an easy way to gain experience, showcase your skills, and grow as a professional.

If you (or anyone you know) think you would be a great clinician, please register below to get the process started.

Thanks so much – and I look forward to seeing your name on this list!

Amy Bovin

Clinician Registration